Monday, May 31, 2010

Soaring costs force Canada to reassess health model - Yahoo! News

Soaring costs force Canada to reassess health model - Yahoo! News

Canada is finally realizing that UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE DOES NOT WORK!!! They are now discussing implementing more private solutions to a government created problem. The problem is Pelosi/Obama/Reid just passed Universal Health care that is similar to what Canada is trying to get away from because it is unsustainable.

The only way we can truly fix health care is if we get the federal government far away from our health care! Until that happens, we are doomed along with our federal government controlled universal health care!

Vote conservative this November, lets get those socialists out of our government!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Pelosi blames Bush administration for BP oil spill. | Washington Examiner

Pelosi blames Bush administration for BP oil spill. | Washington Examiner

This woman is quite possibly the most incompetent person in the Federal Government, and she is also the Most Powerful woman in Federal Government.

If anyone should be blamed for this accident, it should be the EPA and the Department of Energy. By forcing BP to go so far off the coast of FL and drill in dangerous conditions in 1mile deep water, they have created an dangerous environment not only for the workers on the Oil Rigs, but also for the environment.

Had they drilled in in shallow water, this accident would have been fixed and cleaned up already.

Make no mistake, The EPA and Department of Energy are the reason this spill is so devastating. BP does not want to spill, they loose money during spills, they are doing all they can to stop this ASAP!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

IG report: Meth, porn use by drilling agency staff - Yahoo! News

IG report: Meth, porn use by drilling agency staff - Yahoo! News

Its nice to see the Federal Government takes things seriously and puts irresponsible people in charge of Mineral Rights. This was a Federal Government Agency error, the federal government will not be responsible, BP will be.

If this was private corporation employees, we would see them heading off to jail right now.

Your vote counts, vote for conservative and lets put an end to corrupt government practices!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Democrats poised to move measures with high price tags -

Democrats poised to move measures with high price tags -

Makes you wonder just how incompetent politicians are. The United States is running a $13 trillion dollar debt ( that means we owe a lot of money to a lot of people) yet our elected officials just don't seem to care. They are still spending, expanding and destroying lives and wealth. The only way to get Americans out of this recession/depression is by closing federal departments as soon as possible! We do not shut them down, they will shut us down. Vote for people who's message is clear! shut down federal departments!