U.S. Is Bankrupt and We Don't Even Know It: Laurence Kotlikoff - Bloomberg
Laurence Kotlikoff is another economist who has no clue about the real world.
The United States can pull itself out of this mess in a couple of years if we can get our elected officials to do the following.
1. close the Federal Department of Energy
2. close the Federal Environmental Protection Agency EPA
3. close the Federal Department of Education
4. take away the pensions and social security from every elected official who has retired. They left our nation in a lot of debt, they should be held responsible for paying back the money they have stolen from hard working tax payers in the private sector.
By closing these 3 departments, The United States will add over 5million new jobs within 1 year alone! These new jobs will take people off the unemployment lines and create tax paying citizens out of them. Once the Department of Energy is closed, we will have energy independence and terrorist nations will no longer be able to use Energy as a leverage against us. Once the EPA is closed, manufacturing jobs will once again return to America! Once the Department of Education is shut down, our schools will once again become institutions of learning.
Unless the above mentioned federal departments are closed, we will be doomed and our future will be most uncertain!
Please encourage your elected official to shut down a federal department and give us back our country!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Blago: "It's In God's Hands" | NBC Chicago
POWER CORRUPTION AND LIES! Blago looked tax payers in their eyes and lied to their faces. We should all pray that the jury will make the right decision and rid the Illinois government of powerful and corrupt leaders who are out to enrich themselves.
Blago: "It's In God's Hands" | NBC Chicago
Blago: "It's In God's Hands" | NBC Chicago
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
BP Oil Spill: Where Did All The Crude Go? Mother Nature Breaks Down Slick in Gulf of Mexico - ABC News
BP Oil Spill: Where Did All The Crude Go? Mother Nature Breaks Down Slick in Gulf of Mexico - ABC News
Mother Nature at work taking care of the oil spill.
Mother Nature at work taking care of the oil spill.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Iran to send blockade-busting ship to Gaza - Yahoo! News
Iran to send blockade-busting ship to Gaza - Yahoo! News
Iran provoking Israel, Will the UN do anything about this? Most likely not, reason being Most of the UN member nations are anti semi there for they will look the other way when it comes to Iran. The UN has looked the other way many many times since it was founded after WWII.
here are some examples of UN looking the other way while communists, dictators and warlords murdered innocent all over the world.
the communist invasion of Eastern European nations in the 1950s
the communist invasion of South East Asian nations in the 1960s
the communist mass murders in South East Asian nations in the 1970s
the genocides in Africa in the 1980s, 1990s, 2000s. When will we realize that the UN is indeed useless and tyrants like Iran must be stopped by the US and other like minded allies.
If the USA does not join with Israel in stopping Iran's blockade-busters, the middle East will likely fall victim to another war, lets hope no WMDs will be used by Iran.
Iran provoking Israel, Will the UN do anything about this? Most likely not, reason being Most of the UN member nations are anti semi there for they will look the other way when it comes to Iran. The UN has looked the other way many many times since it was founded after WWII.
here are some examples of UN looking the other way while communists, dictators and warlords murdered innocent all over the world.
the communist invasion of Eastern European nations in the 1950s
the communist invasion of South East Asian nations in the 1960s
the communist mass murders in South East Asian nations in the 1970s
the genocides in Africa in the 1980s, 1990s, 2000s. When will we realize that the UN is indeed useless and tyrants like Iran must be stopped by the US and other like minded allies.
If the USA does not join with Israel in stopping Iran's blockade-busters, the middle East will likely fall victim to another war, lets hope no WMDs will be used by Iran.
Global Warming,
Middle East,
United Nations,
Cancelled: There Will Be No Congressional Budget This Year | Republican Leader John Boehner | republicanleader.house.gov
Cancelled: There Will Be No Congressional Budget This Year | Republican Leader John Boehner | republicanleader.house.gov
Its no surprise they canceled the budget, they have over spent by $2 trillion dollars this year, Next year will be even worse unless we vote conservatives into office. Not just any conservative, conservatives who are running on a platform to SHUT DOWN THE DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY for starters. Once the DOE is shut, our conservative leaders can evaluate the other departments and shut them down as needed.
Until we close down federal departments, we will never get out of this economical disaster we are currently drowning in.
Write your elected officials and demand they close the department of energy.
Its no surprise they canceled the budget, they have over spent by $2 trillion dollars this year, Next year will be even worse unless we vote conservatives into office. Not just any conservative, conservatives who are running on a platform to SHUT DOWN THE DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY for starters. Once the DOE is shut, our conservative leaders can evaluate the other departments and shut them down as needed.
Until we close down federal departments, we will never get out of this economical disaster we are currently drowning in.
Write your elected officials and demand they close the department of energy.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Farming without subsidies in New Zealand
Farming without subsidies in New Zealand
New Zealand figured out in early 2000 that getting the federal government out of our farming industry will lead to prosperity and wealth creation. We need our government officials to start following their lead by ending government subsidies and closing the federal departments so States can manage their own affairs.
The oppressive hand of governments cause havoc through our economy and throughout the industry.
New Zealand figured out in early 2000 that getting the federal government out of our farming industry will lead to prosperity and wealth creation. We need our government officials to start following their lead by ending government subsidies and closing the federal departments so States can manage their own affairs.
The oppressive hand of governments cause havoc through our economy and throughout the industry.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
U.S debt to rise to $19.6 trillion by 2015 | Reuters
U.S debt to rise to $19.6 trillion by 2015 | Reuters
Reuters is way off! The US debt will be $23 Trillion by 2015. The federal government is over spending each year by $2 trillion. All these numbers are meaningless. Once people stop buying US debt, our interest on the current debt will rise. We will need to borrow money just to pay the interest on borrowed money!
The only way to stop this is to elect politicians who advocate shutting the federal departments. Energy, EPA, Agriculture, education and many more departments.
Reuters is way off! The US debt will be $23 Trillion by 2015. The federal government is over spending each year by $2 trillion. All these numbers are meaningless. Once people stop buying US debt, our interest on the current debt will rise. We will need to borrow money just to pay the interest on borrowed money!
The only way to stop this is to elect politicians who advocate shutting the federal departments. Energy, EPA, Agriculture, education and many more departments.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
YouTube - An Atomic Bomb will stop the Gulf Oil Leak L@@K!
YouTube - An Atomic Bomb will stop the Gulf Oil Leak L@@K!
This video shows how the Russians plugged the oil leak in the 1960. It seems like it can possibly work if the earth is thick enough under the water base.
Geologists should make that call, not Politicians, especially not Obama!
This video shows how the Russians plugged the oil leak in the 1960. It seems like it can possibly work if the earth is thick enough under the water base.
Geologists should make that call, not Politicians, especially not Obama!
Monday, May 31, 2010
Soaring costs force Canada to reassess health model - Yahoo! News
Soaring costs force Canada to reassess health model - Yahoo! News
Canada is finally realizing that UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE DOES NOT WORK!!! They are now discussing implementing more private solutions to a government created problem. The problem is Pelosi/Obama/Reid just passed Universal Health care that is similar to what Canada is trying to get away from because it is unsustainable.
The only way we can truly fix health care is if we get the federal government far away from our health care! Until that happens, we are doomed along with our federal government controlled universal health care!
Vote conservative this November, lets get those socialists out of our government!
Canada is finally realizing that UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE DOES NOT WORK!!! They are now discussing implementing more private solutions to a government created problem. The problem is Pelosi/Obama/Reid just passed Universal Health care that is similar to what Canada is trying to get away from because it is unsustainable.
The only way we can truly fix health care is if we get the federal government far away from our health care! Until that happens, we are doomed along with our federal government controlled universal health care!
Vote conservative this November, lets get those socialists out of our government!
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Pelosi blames Bush administration for BP oil spill. | Washington Examiner
Pelosi blames Bush administration for BP oil spill. | Washington Examiner
This woman is quite possibly the most incompetent person in the Federal Government, and she is also the Most Powerful woman in Federal Government.
If anyone should be blamed for this accident, it should be the EPA and the Department of Energy. By forcing BP to go so far off the coast of FL and drill in dangerous conditions in 1mile deep water, they have created an dangerous environment not only for the workers on the Oil Rigs, but also for the environment.
Had they drilled in in shallow water, this accident would have been fixed and cleaned up already.
Make no mistake, The EPA and Department of Energy are the reason this spill is so devastating. BP does not want to spill, they loose money during spills, they are doing all they can to stop this ASAP!
This woman is quite possibly the most incompetent person in the Federal Government, and she is also the Most Powerful woman in Federal Government.
If anyone should be blamed for this accident, it should be the EPA and the Department of Energy. By forcing BP to go so far off the coast of FL and drill in dangerous conditions in 1mile deep water, they have created an dangerous environment not only for the workers on the Oil Rigs, but also for the environment.
Had they drilled in in shallow water, this accident would have been fixed and cleaned up already.
Make no mistake, The EPA and Department of Energy are the reason this spill is so devastating. BP does not want to spill, they loose money during spills, they are doing all they can to stop this ASAP!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
IG report: Meth, porn use by drilling agency staff - Yahoo! News
IG report: Meth, porn use by drilling agency staff - Yahoo! News
Its nice to see the Federal Government takes things seriously and puts irresponsible people in charge of Mineral Rights. This was a Federal Government Agency error, the federal government will not be responsible, BP will be.
If this was private corporation employees, we would see them heading off to jail right now.
Your vote counts, vote for conservative and lets put an end to corrupt government practices!
Its nice to see the Federal Government takes things seriously and puts irresponsible people in charge of Mineral Rights. This was a Federal Government Agency error, the federal government will not be responsible, BP will be.
If this was private corporation employees, we would see them heading off to jail right now.
Your vote counts, vote for conservative and lets put an end to corrupt government practices!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Democrats poised to move measures with high price tags - TheHill.com
Democrats poised to move measures with high price tags - TheHill.com
Makes you wonder just how incompetent politicians are. The United States is running a $13 trillion dollar debt ( that means we owe a lot of money to a lot of people) yet our elected officials just don't seem to care. They are still spending, expanding and destroying lives and wealth. The only way to get Americans out of this recession/depression is by closing federal departments as soon as possible! We do not shut them down, they will shut us down. Vote for people who's message is clear! shut down federal departments!
Makes you wonder just how incompetent politicians are. The United States is running a $13 trillion dollar debt ( that means we owe a lot of money to a lot of people) yet our elected officials just don't seem to care. They are still spending, expanding and destroying lives and wealth. The only way to get Americans out of this recession/depression is by closing federal departments as soon as possible! We do not shut them down, they will shut us down. Vote for people who's message is clear! shut down federal departments!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Cover girl Pelosi looking rather ... airy in D.C. glossy | Washington Examiner
Cover girl Pelosi looking rather ... airy in D.C. glossy | Washington Examiner
Nancy Pelosi, the most powerful woman in America, the woman who holds the power to get us out of a recession/depression is more concerned about her vanity than the people's suffering. This woman does not belong in congress, she belong in Hollywood with her liberal pretentious friends. Lets grand her wish and vote her out of office this November 2010! Exercise your right, vote this socialist out of office!
Nancy Pelosi, the most powerful woman in America, the woman who holds the power to get us out of a recession/depression is more concerned about her vanity than the people's suffering. This woman does not belong in congress, she belong in Hollywood with her liberal pretentious friends. Lets grand her wish and vote her out of office this November 2010! Exercise your right, vote this socialist out of office!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Commentary on Immigration April 26, 2010
Destructive Politics - Immigration April 26, 2010
- How do we solve the Immigration problem we are currently living with.
Before we fall for the notion that it can be done over night, we must step back and look at history. Immigration has been a problem in the United States for over 100 years. To make things worse, over the past 100 years, our brave and brilliant leaders in government did everything they could to complicate the immigration issue. This is probably because the problem with immigration became more and more complex each time the US congress passes a new law or bill. Instead of solving the problem, they are making it more and more complex. The immigration problem did not start at our borders, it started with politicians and bribes in Washington to hold on to power, some until their last breath!
So how do we solve the Immigration Problem?
To solve the problem we must begin dismantling the federal departments in Washington D.C. The first thing to do is create an atmosphere businesses get tax breaks so they can make profits and create new jobs.
To bring growth back to our economy, congress should consider closing the Federal Department of Energy for starters. Closing the DOE would take the control of energy production out of the hands of one Dictatorial politician, in this case Henry Waxman, and spreading control of energy production to 50 states. This would let Oil companies shop around and work with states who choose to partner up with business friendly state governments. This in turn would create extra revenue for states and pay residents dividends like they do in Alaska. By removing the Department of Energy from our economy, the obstacles created by the DOE would free up the economy. By closing this department, we could save over $500 billion a year which will be relief for all Americans who rely on affordable energy (according to EBE). There will be over 2 million new jobs created in the first year alone from all the new jobs created by energy producers all over the US! With the economy growing, peoples cost of living will become more affordable and Americans will demand more low cost affordable and untaxed labor from our neighbors to the south. This happens every time our economy expands.
Once the DOE is closed, we must continue forward and onward to close the EPA as well as every other department ending with the Department of Treasury. Once At the Department of Treasury, our tax codes must be re written and a 2% federal tax should be levied on all goods sold. With no annual burdening tax forms to fill out and no IRS, everyone will pay equal taxes, including the Illegal Immigrants and crooked politicians. Outside of property taxes, as long as immigrants are renting, they pay the same taxes as any other American citizens who rents. With no yearly taxes to fill out, we will save millions of acres of forrest for billions of tons of paper will no longer be wasted on federal government.
Year after year, billions of people travel to our nation so they too can enjoy all the beauty America has to offer. Millions of the people also decide to stay in America, many illegally! They live amongst us in the shadows working and utilizing our schools, hospitals and infrastructure. As generous as American Tax payers are, we are not naive. We know when someone is taking advantage of our generosity so naturally, we get upset when Illegal Immigrants abusive behavior bankrupt our hospitals and destroy neighborhoods. This happens only change if they too pay their fair share to our economy the same way we do. The truth is Immigrants are so deeply interwoven to our way of life that to round them up and send them back would be devastating to our economy. The solution is to create laws which protect citizens and allow illegals to work in our country legally for they are important to our economy.
The main reason our Immigration problems are so out of synch is because congress created artificial wages in the US. Wages which many nations around us do not have, wages which are as 3x or more as high as wages in neighboring countries. This will naturally draw low wage employees to America!
The bottom line is congress must close all federal departments which they created, excluding defense, Social Security and Medicare, those must be fixed under strict guidelines which lean towards private Social Security accounts . We have all seen what congress has done to our Social Security, there is no reason to trust them with anything.
The Immigration problem can and will be solved if congress decides to act properly. Other if they keep behaving as they do today, we will have another 100 years of immigration debates and no mening full bills.
- How do we solve the Immigration problem we are currently living with.
Before we fall for the notion that it can be done over night, we must step back and look at history. Immigration has been a problem in the United States for over 100 years. To make things worse, over the past 100 years, our brave and brilliant leaders in government did everything they could to complicate the immigration issue. This is probably because the problem with immigration became more and more complex each time the US congress passes a new law or bill. Instead of solving the problem, they are making it more and more complex. The immigration problem did not start at our borders, it started with politicians and bribes in Washington to hold on to power, some until their last breath!
So how do we solve the Immigration Problem?
To solve the problem we must begin dismantling the federal departments in Washington D.C. The first thing to do is create an atmosphere businesses get tax breaks so they can make profits and create new jobs.
To bring growth back to our economy, congress should consider closing the Federal Department of Energy for starters. Closing the DOE would take the control of energy production out of the hands of one Dictatorial politician, in this case Henry Waxman, and spreading control of energy production to 50 states. This would let Oil companies shop around and work with states who choose to partner up with business friendly state governments. This in turn would create extra revenue for states and pay residents dividends like they do in Alaska. By removing the Department of Energy from our economy, the obstacles created by the DOE would free up the economy. By closing this department, we could save over $500 billion a year which will be relief for all Americans who rely on affordable energy (according to EBE). There will be over 2 million new jobs created in the first year alone from all the new jobs created by energy producers all over the US! With the economy growing, peoples cost of living will become more affordable and Americans will demand more low cost affordable and untaxed labor from our neighbors to the south. This happens every time our economy expands.
Once the DOE is closed, we must continue forward and onward to close the EPA as well as every other department ending with the Department of Treasury. Once At the Department of Treasury, our tax codes must be re written and a 2% federal tax should be levied on all goods sold. With no annual burdening tax forms to fill out and no IRS, everyone will pay equal taxes, including the Illegal Immigrants and crooked politicians. Outside of property taxes, as long as immigrants are renting, they pay the same taxes as any other American citizens who rents. With no yearly taxes to fill out, we will save millions of acres of forrest for billions of tons of paper will no longer be wasted on federal government.
Year after year, billions of people travel to our nation so they too can enjoy all the beauty America has to offer. Millions of the people also decide to stay in America, many illegally! They live amongst us in the shadows working and utilizing our schools, hospitals and infrastructure. As generous as American Tax payers are, we are not naive. We know when someone is taking advantage of our generosity so naturally, we get upset when Illegal Immigrants abusive behavior bankrupt our hospitals and destroy neighborhoods. This happens only change if they too pay their fair share to our economy the same way we do. The truth is Immigrants are so deeply interwoven to our way of life that to round them up and send them back would be devastating to our economy. The solution is to create laws which protect citizens and allow illegals to work in our country legally for they are important to our economy.
The main reason our Immigration problems are so out of synch is because congress created artificial wages in the US. Wages which many nations around us do not have, wages which are as 3x or more as high as wages in neighboring countries. This will naturally draw low wage employees to America!
The bottom line is congress must close all federal departments which they created, excluding defense, Social Security and Medicare, those must be fixed under strict guidelines which lean towards private Social Security accounts . We have all seen what congress has done to our Social Security, there is no reason to trust them with anything.
The Immigration problem can and will be solved if congress decides to act properly. Other if they keep behaving as they do today, we will have another 100 years of immigration debates and no mening full bills.
Economists say the stimulus didn't help - Apr. 26, 2010
Economists say the stimulus didn't help - Apr. 26, 2010
These Economists should be fired, anyone who knows simple economics and history can clearly see that TAX CUTS = PROSPERITY! The only way to rebuild our broken economy is to cut taxes and shut down federal departments starting with the Department of Energy, EPA and on. Until these steps are taken, our economy will keep sinking and loosing its competitive edge. When you write or call your representative, demand that they shut down the department of energy.
These Economists should be fired, anyone who knows simple economics and history can clearly see that TAX CUTS = PROSPERITY! The only way to rebuild our broken economy is to cut taxes and shut down federal departments starting with the Department of Energy, EPA and on. Until these steps are taken, our economy will keep sinking and loosing its competitive edge. When you write or call your representative, demand that they shut down the department of energy.
destructive politics,
National Debt,
Friday, April 23, 2010
While economy crumbled, top financial watchdogs at SEC surfed for porn on Internet: memo
While economy crumbled, top financial watchdogs at SEC surfed for porn on Internet: memo
We are all human, but if we get caught watching porn at work in the private sector, we get fired! The federal government should have the same or higher standards! Fire these perverts so they can go home and watch all the porn they want on their own time and think about how wrong it is to abuse tax payer money!
We are all human, but if we get caught watching porn at work in the private sector, we get fired! The federal government should have the same or higher standards! Fire these perverts so they can go home and watch all the porn they want on their own time and think about how wrong it is to abuse tax payer money!
Fmr ACORN head calls Tea Parties "bowel movement" and claims "they're coming after you" | Washington Examiner
Fmr ACORN head calls Tea Parties "bowel movement" and claims "they're coming after you" | Washington Examiner
In case you missed it, the head of ACORN Bertha Lewis (ACORN is a group of misinformed socialist/communists) called the tax payers who are fed up with government corruption a "BOWEL MOVEMENT". This is from the organizer of a group who depends on money the tea party participants pay when they pay taxes. Barack Obama has close ties with Bertha Lewis and he supports her all the way as he suggested in the past.
The only way to stop Destructive Politics is to vote for candidates who wish to close down federal departments. Until we begin closing down federal departments, we will be sinking into the abyss of the Nation Debt which is rising rapidly! Send congress a message, elect politicians who will fight for smaller government by shutting down departments!
In case you missed it, the head of ACORN Bertha Lewis (ACORN is a group of misinformed socialist/communists) called the tax payers who are fed up with government corruption a "BOWEL MOVEMENT". This is from the organizer of a group who depends on money the tea party participants pay when they pay taxes. Barack Obama has close ties with Bertha Lewis and he supports her all the way as he suggested in the past.
The only way to stop Destructive Politics is to vote for candidates who wish to close down federal departments. Until we begin closing down federal departments, we will be sinking into the abyss of the Nation Debt which is rising rapidly! Send congress a message, elect politicians who will fight for smaller government by shutting down departments!
CNSNews.com - Pelosi Calls Press Conference to Unveil $140,000 Light Fixtures in House Cafeteria
CNSNews.com - Pelosi Calls Press Conference to Unveil $140,000 Light Fixtures in House Cafeteria
Pelosi's Priorities during a Recession, $140,000 worth of new light fixtures in the House Cafeteria! Was it that important?
Us Debt is increasing rapidly
Unemployment is still rising
Foreclosure rates are still rising
Price of Energy is rising
The government is about to destroy the economy with a VAT and Cap n Trade
Iran is Nuking up
Pelosi is worried about new light fixtures!
Pelosi's Priorities during a Recession, $140,000 worth of new light fixtures in the House Cafeteria! Was it that important?
Us Debt is increasing rapidly
Unemployment is still rising
Foreclosure rates are still rising
Price of Energy is rising
The government is about to destroy the economy with a VAT and Cap n Trade
Iran is Nuking up
Pelosi is worried about new light fixtures!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Couple sue for £380k after being driven out of home by noise from wind turbines | Mail Online
Couple sue for £380k after being driven out of home by noise from wind turbines | Mail Online
The Environmentalists believe we can use wind power to create energy, unfortunately they did not mention that wind turbines create noise which will drive local residents off their properties. Wind turbines are not the answer to our energy problem, Closing the Federal Department of Energy is the solution to our dependence on foreign energy.
The Environmentalists believe we can use wind power to create energy, unfortunately they did not mention that wind turbines create noise which will drive local residents off their properties. Wind turbines are not the answer to our energy problem, Closing the Federal Department of Energy is the solution to our dependence on foreign energy.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
FOXNews.com - U.N.'s Ballooning $732 Million Haiti Peacekeeping Budget Goes Mostly to Its Own Personnel
FOXNews.com - U.N.'s Ballooning $732 Million Haiti Peacekeeping Budget Goes Mostly to Its Own Personnel
Its time to change their name to the Useless Nations. This organization wastes billions of dollars each and every year claiming to help the poor around the world. For the amount of aid which was allocated to help Haitians, we could have re built Port Au Prince, instead, hundreds of millions of dollars were wasted by United Nations bureaucrats. Just like the federal government does with US tax payers dollars, the UN wastes billions of dollars.
The only way to reform the UN is to put their head quarters in nations going through dire straits, then and only then will we be able to help those who need help.
Its time to change their name to the Useless Nations. This organization wastes billions of dollars each and every year claiming to help the poor around the world. For the amount of aid which was allocated to help Haitians, we could have re built Port Au Prince, instead, hundreds of millions of dollars were wasted by United Nations bureaucrats. Just like the federal government does with US tax payers dollars, the UN wastes billions of dollars.
The only way to reform the UN is to put their head quarters in nations going through dire straits, then and only then will we be able to help those who need help.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Palm Beach Post : Nancy Pelosi’s Palm Beach party had more security than guests
Palm Beach Post : Nancy Pelosi’s Palm Beach party had more security than guests
This is just a foreshadow of what is to come. Unless voted out of office, our elected officials will use what ever tricks, lies and scams to hold on to their power. They will increase security around them using our children while taking more rights and freedom from us. Pelosi and democrats will do this while committing election fraud and trampling all over our freedoms and our rights. Nancy Pelosi, a representative of the 8th Congressional District of California, she was NOT elected by 99% of the citizens of United States yet she is deciding the future and faith of all American citizens. The Election of 2010 will decide for us if Pelosi remains the powerful dictator she is or if she will be voted out of her position as speaker and sent back to the Minority where she belongs!
This is just a foreshadow of what is to come. Unless voted out of office, our elected officials will use what ever tricks, lies and scams to hold on to their power. They will increase security around them using our children while taking more rights and freedom from us. Pelosi and democrats will do this while committing election fraud and trampling all over our freedoms and our rights. Nancy Pelosi, a representative of the 8th Congressional District of California, she was NOT elected by 99% of the citizens of United States yet she is deciding the future and faith of all American citizens. The Election of 2010 will decide for us if Pelosi remains the powerful dictator she is or if she will be voted out of her position as speaker and sent back to the Minority where she belongs!
Friday, April 16, 2010
Reuters AlertNet - US Senate climate bill to be unveiled April 26
Reuters AlertNet - US Senate climate bill to be unveiled April 26
The US senate is going to unveil the Tax and Cap climate bill on or around April 26th, 2010. Nancy Pelosi passed Cap and Trade through the house in the summer of 2009 with $3.5billion bribe to Marcy Kaptur of OH . Now its up to Harry Reid in the U.S. Senate to pass it. If history is any indication of the future, we can expect to see the Senate leadership selling out the American tax payer just to pass this destructive enerbgy bill. Once cap and trade bill becomes law, our unemployment will jump to 15%+ and foreclosures will increase and we will enter into a 2nd recession.
Most people are unaware how important affordable energy is in our lives. It was affordable energy which created the most prosperous and powerful nation in the world. The disruption of affordable energy by the US Congress will bankrupt and destroy the US economy and peoples lives. We support candidates who will run on a campaign to close the Federal Department of Energy among other federal departments or our future will be bleak! Contact your representatives and demand the shut down the department of Energy.
The US senate is going to unveil the Tax and Cap climate bill on or around April 26th, 2010. Nancy Pelosi passed Cap and Trade through the house in the summer of 2009 with $3.5billion bribe to Marcy Kaptur of OH . Now its up to Harry Reid in the U.S. Senate to pass it. If history is any indication of the future, we can expect to see the Senate leadership selling out the American tax payer just to pass this destructive enerbgy bill. Once cap and trade bill becomes law, our unemployment will jump to 15%+ and foreclosures will increase and we will enter into a 2nd recession.
Most people are unaware how important affordable energy is in our lives. It was affordable energy which created the most prosperous and powerful nation in the world. The disruption of affordable energy by the US Congress will bankrupt and destroy the US economy and peoples lives. We support candidates who will run on a campaign to close the Federal Department of Energy among other federal departments or our future will be bleak! Contact your representatives and demand the shut down the department of Energy.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Total Control Over Your Life!
The Federal Government's Ultimate Goal is to Control our Behavior and our Lives!
Monday, March 15, 2010
The Canadian Press: 'My heart, my choice,' Williams says, defending decision for U.S. heart surgery
The Canadian Press: 'My heart, my choice,' Williams says, defending decision for U.S. heart surgery
If universal health insurance and federal government controlled health care is so good, why did Newfoundland and Labrador Premier Danny Williams come to America for heart surgery? Why did Italy's Berlusconi have Heart Surgery In the U.S. at the Cleveland Clinic heart center in Ohio? Pelosi, Obama and Reid are trying to force Federal health care on us yet they refuse to take part in it! If America follows the rest of the world and pursue universal federal health care, we will all suffer. Money for research will dry up and advances in medicine will diminish.
If universal health insurance and federal government controlled health care is so good, why did Newfoundland and Labrador Premier Danny Williams come to America for heart surgery? Why did Italy's Berlusconi have Heart Surgery In the U.S. at the Cleveland Clinic heart center in Ohio? Pelosi, Obama and Reid are trying to force Federal health care on us yet they refuse to take part in it! If America follows the rest of the world and pursue universal federal health care, we will all suffer. Money for research will dry up and advances in medicine will diminish.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Pelosi confident House will pass health care bill - Yahoo! News
Pelosi confident House will pass health care bill - Yahoo! News
Nancy Pelosi is confident she will get what she wants. Her plan is to pass universal health care weather we the people want it or not. She wishes to increase the size and power of the federal government to take more control of our lives.
Nancy Pelosi is confident she will get what she wants. Her plan is to pass universal health care weather we the people want it or not. She wishes to increase the size and power of the federal government to take more control of our lives.
health care,
Nancy Pelosi,
washington dc
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Obama Justice Department Shut Down Federal ACORN Investigation According to Documents Obtained by Judicial Watch
Obama Justice Department Shut Down Federal ACORN Investigation According to Documents Obtained by Judicial Watch
Another Example of Federal Government Corruption right under our noses. This corruption is covered up by none other than Erick Holder of the Justice Department. By not investigating ACORN, corruption and fraud are allowed to continue without any disruption.
Another Example of Federal Government Corruption right under our noses. This corruption is covered up by none other than Erick Holder of the Justice Department. By not investigating ACORN, corruption and fraud are allowed to continue without any disruption.
The Associated Press: Budget deficit sets record in February
The Associated Press: Budget deficit sets record in February
The only way to combat ballooning government deficits is to close down federal government departments. Closing federal departments will create millions of jobs and help pay off ballooning deficits. This out of control government debt will keep rising because the federal departments exist. These departments are burning up trillions of dollars each year and restrict the free flow of jobs and wealth creation.
The only way to combat ballooning government deficits is to close down federal government departments. Closing federal departments will create millions of jobs and help pay off ballooning deficits. This out of control government debt will keep rising because the federal departments exist. These departments are burning up trillions of dollars each year and restrict the free flow of jobs and wealth creation.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Final 'reform' push: twisting arms - NYPOST.com
Final 'reform' push: twisting arms - NYPOST.com
Politicians do not care about the American tax payer. Even with Overwhelming opposition, Pelosi Obama and Reid will stop at nothing to force Federal Government Mandated Health Care Bill. If the American people believe the federal mandated health care is good for America, we would overwhelmingly be behind the politicians. Don't let politicians destroy the best health care in the world!
Politicians do not care about the American tax payer. Even with Overwhelming opposition, Pelosi Obama and Reid will stop at nothing to force Federal Government Mandated Health Care Bill. If the American people believe the federal mandated health care is good for America, we would overwhelmingly be behind the politicians. Don't let politicians destroy the best health care in the world!
Friday, March 5, 2010
Federal pay ahead of private industry - USATODAY.com
Federal pay ahead of private industry - USATODAY.com
When the federal government pays more money then the private sector, it will devastate our economy in due time. The federal government does not add any value to our economy. They do not create wealth, only private sector jobs can create wealth in our economy.
If the federal government stays on this track of destructive politics by growing the government, soon we will not have enough private sector taxes to sustain paying all the federal government employees. With no tax dollars to pay government workers with, we will see unemployment, inflation and depression set in soon after.
This is how societies crumble within. To stop destructive politics, we must demand congress freeze their government expansion and start closing federal departments starting with the Department of Energy.
When the federal government pays more money then the private sector, it will devastate our economy in due time. The federal government does not add any value to our economy. They do not create wealth, only private sector jobs can create wealth in our economy.
If the federal government stays on this track of destructive politics by growing the government, soon we will not have enough private sector taxes to sustain paying all the federal government employees. With no tax dollars to pay government workers with, we will see unemployment, inflation and depression set in soon after.
This is how societies crumble within. To stop destructive politics, we must demand congress freeze their government expansion and start closing federal departments starting with the Department of Energy.
Monday, March 1, 2010
PELOSI: Buy a $15,000 Policy or Go to Jail | House Committee on Ways & Means - Republican
PELOSI: Buy a $15,000 Policy or Go to Jail | House Committee on Ways & Means - Republican
The truth about Pelosi's health care plan is that it will punish you if you do not buy it. Her plan mandates that we all buy health insurance or we will get fined and go to jail.
this is how new federal departments evolve, congress fights tooth and nail to create another layer of government to slow our competitiveness in the world and become a socialist state like the former Soviet Union.
The truth about Pelosi's health care plan is that it will punish you if you do not buy it. Her plan mandates that we all buy health insurance or we will get fined and go to jail.
this is how new federal departments evolve, congress fights tooth and nail to create another layer of government to slow our competitiveness in the world and become a socialist state like the former Soviet Union.
destructive politics,
health care,
Nancy Pelosi
Charlie Rangel ruling puts Nancy Pelosi in a jam - John Bresnahan - POLITICO.com
Charlie Rangel ruling puts Nancy Pelosi in a jam - John Bresnahan - POLITICO.com
Rep. Charlie Rangel runs the House Ways and Means writing our tax laws. He is also a tax cheater and Nancy Pelosi decided not to reprimand him.
"The House ethics committee's decision to admonish New York Democratic Rep. Charlie Rangel over improper corporate-sponsored trips to the Caribbean leaves Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the ethics committee itself facing difficult questions."
Pelosi is living above the law deciding who will be persecuted and who will be excused.
the only way to end destructive politics is to shut down the federal departments starting with the department of energy!
Rep. Charlie Rangel runs the House Ways and Means writing our tax laws. He is also a tax cheater and Nancy Pelosi decided not to reprimand him.
"The House ethics committee's decision to admonish New York Democratic Rep. Charlie Rangel over improper corporate-sponsored trips to the Caribbean leaves Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the ethics committee itself facing difficult questions."
Pelosi is living above the law deciding who will be persecuted and who will be excused.
the only way to end destructive politics is to shut down the federal departments starting with the department of energy!
Pelosi: GOP has had its day; confident Dems can pull together on health bill - TheHill.com
Pelosi: GOP has had its day; confident Dems can pull together on health bill - TheHill.com
Nancy Pelosi is the Root of All that is Evil in the USA. She took the speaker position in 2007, under her tyrannical leadership, our nation has been devastated. Now she wants to force health care upon us!
"They've had plenty of opportunity to make their voices heard," she said on CNN's "State of the Union" Sunday morning. "Bipartisanship is a two-way street. A bill can be bipartisan without bipartisan votes. Republicans have left their imprint."
She wants this no matter what you or I say, it is her way or no way. This is our government today. It is up to us to make a phone calls to congress or start a letter writing campaign to put an end to destructive politics!
Nancy Pelosi is the Root of All that is Evil in the USA. She took the speaker position in 2007, under her tyrannical leadership, our nation has been devastated. Now she wants to force health care upon us!
"They've had plenty of opportunity to make their voices heard," she said on CNN's "State of the Union" Sunday morning. "Bipartisanship is a two-way street. A bill can be bipartisan without bipartisan votes. Republicans have left their imprint."
She wants this no matter what you or I say, it is her way or no way. This is our government today. It is up to us to make a phone calls to congress or start a letter writing campaign to put an end to destructive politics!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
The Canadian Press: 'My heart, my choice,' Williams says, defending decision for U.S. heart surgery
The Canadian Press: 'My heart, my choice,' Williams says, defending decision for U.S. heart surgery
Canada has Universal Health Insurance yet the Canadian Newfoundland and Labrador Premier Danny Williams choose a Miami hospital for his surgery. "This was my heart, my choice and my health," Williams said late Monday from his condominium in Sarasota, Fla.
this should speak volumes to our politicians, but they are not paying attention to details and facts. The United States does not need universal health insurance and care that is managed by the federal government. we need government free health care managed by doctors.
Canada has Universal Health Insurance yet the Canadian Newfoundland and Labrador Premier Danny Williams choose a Miami hospital for his surgery. "This was my heart, my choice and my health," Williams said late Monday from his condominium in Sarasota, Fla.
this should speak volumes to our politicians, but they are not paying attention to details and facts. The United States does not need universal health insurance and care that is managed by the federal government. we need government free health care managed by doctors.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Obama tops Bush at ducking reporters - Washington Times
Obama tops Bush at ducking reporters - Washington Times
Obama is avoiding the press the same way Obama was avoiding debating John McCain. During tough economic times like today, we need the reassurance from our leaders that things will be better and they are doing all they can to ensure that all Americans have a job. Unfortunately we are not seeing that from President Obama. This is happening because he is our first affirmative action candidate. There are things that Obama should be able to handle on his own, that includes giving unscripted press conferences.
Obama is avoiding the press the same way Obama was avoiding debating John McCain. During tough economic times like today, we need the reassurance from our leaders that things will be better and they are doing all they can to ensure that all Americans have a job. Unfortunately we are not seeing that from President Obama. This is happening because he is our first affirmative action candidate. There are things that Obama should be able to handle on his own, that includes giving unscripted press conferences.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
American Thinker: Wind Energy's Ghosts
American Thinker: Wind Energy's Ghosts
What happens to Wind Turbines after the companies go out of business? They become giant structures which are abandoned and slowly decompose! Congress spent billions of dollars on Wind Energy but they considered their failures. Billions of dollars wasted on alternative energy! We need to get congress out of the energy business by closing the department of energy.
What happens to Wind Turbines after the companies go out of business? They become giant structures which are abandoned and slowly decompose! Congress spent billions of dollars on Wind Energy but they considered their failures. Billions of dollars wasted on alternative energy! We need to get congress out of the energy business by closing the department of energy.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Climategate U-turn: Astonishment as scientist at centre of global warming email row admits data not well organised | Mail Online
Climategate U-turn: Astonishment as scientist at centre of global warming email row admits data not well organised | Mail Online
Now if only government would confess that they were wrong to make us use Bio Fuels, They are wrong to attack oil companies for producing a product that we all depend on!
Now if only government would confess that they were wrong to make us use Bio Fuels, They are wrong to attack oil companies for producing a product that we all depend on!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
World may not be warming, say scientists - Times Online
World may not be warming, say scientists - Times Online
Now its quite obvious, man has no affect on the temperature of the planet. Will the politicians repeal all the taxes and laws they created due to the global warming hoax which was amplified by Vice President Al Gore?
The answer is, they will not! They don't care about us, they car about themselves!
This is why the powers must be removed from Washington D.C. The only way to remove their powers is by closing federal departments one by one!
Now its quite obvious, man has no affect on the temperature of the planet. Will the politicians repeal all the taxes and laws they created due to the global warming hoax which was amplified by Vice President Al Gore?
The answer is, they will not! They don't care about us, they car about themselves!
This is why the powers must be removed from Washington D.C. The only way to remove their powers is by closing federal departments one by one!
Global Warming,
Nancy Pelosi,
washington dc
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Ritz-Carlton to close 5-diamond Las Vegas hotel in May
Ritz-Carlton to close 5-diamond Las Vegas hotel in May
This is the result of Destructive Politics started by Nancy Pelosi. When the price of energy shot up, people stopped paying their bills, they also stopped going on vacation to Las Vegas. As tourism to Las Vegas Nevada stopped (at repeated request of Barack Obama)businesses slowly downsized. When the Ritz-Carlton will to close their 5-diamond hotel in May of 2010 it will cause a ripple affect through the local economy.
-Hundreds of people on Unemployment lines
-Less Tax Revenue for Residents of Nevada
-Less Revenue to Airlines, Taxies, Restaurants, Clubs, Entertainment, Local Tourist Destinations etc. it affects everyone down to the home less beggar on the corner.
This in turn ripples through the economy again, by driving the demand down for the need to hire employees to service the tourists.
PelosiObamaReid's decisions are direct cause of Ritz-Carlton closing the 5-diamond hotel.
PelosiObamaReid are practicing Destructive Politics!
This is the result of Destructive Politics started by Nancy Pelosi. When the price of energy shot up, people stopped paying their bills, they also stopped going on vacation to Las Vegas. As tourism to Las Vegas Nevada stopped (at repeated request of Barack Obama)businesses slowly downsized. When the Ritz-Carlton will to close their 5-diamond hotel in May of 2010 it will cause a ripple affect through the local economy.
-Hundreds of people on Unemployment lines
-Less Tax Revenue for Residents of Nevada
-Less Revenue to Airlines, Taxies, Restaurants, Clubs, Entertainment, Local Tourist Destinations etc. it affects everyone down to the home less beggar on the corner.
This in turn ripples through the economy again, by driving the demand down for the need to hire employees to service the tourists.
PelosiObamaReid's decisions are direct cause of Ritz-Carlton closing the 5-diamond hotel.
PelosiObamaReid are practicing Destructive Politics!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Senate jobs bill extends Medicare payment rates -text | Reuters
Senate jobs bill extends Medicare payment rates -text | Reuters
Only Incompetent politicians believe that Federal Government Spending will create jobs. They are about to pass a so called Job creation bill which will actually destroy more jobs. Soon everyone that lost a job or is about to loose a job will realize that federal government is the problem, not the solution. If PelosiObamaReid were serious about creating jobs, they would close the federal department of energy!
Only Incompetent politicians believe that Federal Government Spending will create jobs. They are about to pass a so called Job creation bill which will actually destroy more jobs. Soon everyone that lost a job or is about to loose a job will realize that federal government is the problem, not the solution. If PelosiObamaReid were serious about creating jobs, they would close the federal department of energy!
Monday, February 8, 2010
Pelosi: Where Are the Jobs, Mr. President?
Pelosi: Where Are the Jobs, Mr. President?
Pelosi asked this question in 2003 when she was bashing Bush day after day as we were in the middle of a war on Terror. She is not part of the solution, she is the problem and she must be voted out of office!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Bailout cop: TARP's not working
Bailout cop: TARP's not working
This is the problem with Destructive Politics! TARP program was created by politicians for politicians to hand out money and micro manage the US economy. Time has shown us that they have FAILED!
The way to creating jobs is simple but PelosiObamaReid will not do it because that would mean giving up power! The power belongs to the people, not PelosiObamaReid! It is more important than ever to remove the power from the hands of this group of DicatatorCommunistRacists
This is the problem with Destructive Politics! TARP program was created by politicians for politicians to hand out money and micro manage the US economy. Time has shown us that they have FAILED!
The way to creating jobs is simple but PelosiObamaReid will not do it because that would mean giving up power! The power belongs to the people, not PelosiObamaReid! It is more important than ever to remove the power from the hands of this group of DicatatorCommunistRacists
President Obama Again Criticizes Trips to Las Vegas - Las Vegas Now
President Obama Again Criticizes Trips to Las Vegas - Las Vegas Now
Obama is practicing Destructive Politics by hurting the Las Vegas economy! Our socialist president is so consumed with control that he does not think twice about the ripple effects his words cause through our country. We must stop this madness and strip the federal government of these abusive powers or they will keep destroying lives!
Call, Email, Write your representatives and demand they close the department of energy. One federal department at a time, we can close them all and free all Americans from the shackles these Destructive Politicians have put around our necks!
Obama is practicing Destructive Politics by hurting the Las Vegas economy! Our socialist president is so consumed with control that he does not think twice about the ripple effects his words cause through our country. We must stop this madness and strip the federal government of these abusive powers or they will keep destroying lives!
Call, Email, Write your representatives and demand they close the department of energy. One federal department at a time, we can close them all and free all Americans from the shackles these Destructive Politicians have put around our necks!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Largest-ever federal payroll to hit 2.15 million - Washington Times
Largest-ever federal payroll to hit 2.15 million - Washington Times
This is how nations fail. Once the federal government starts hiring at a faster rate than the private sector, we will see inflation, higher unemployment and eventually military socialism. With the economy slowing and more private industries closing, we will have more unemployed, starving people who will start demanding the government do something. The government will hire more people so the elected leaders can protect themselves from the angry crowds! This is how nations fall.
We must put an end to an expanding federal government and start closing departments starting with the DOE!
This is how nations fail. Once the federal government starts hiring at a faster rate than the private sector, we will see inflation, higher unemployment and eventually military socialism. With the economy slowing and more private industries closing, we will have more unemployed, starving people who will start demanding the government do something. The government will hire more people so the elected leaders can protect themselves from the angry crowds! This is how nations fall.
We must put an end to an expanding federal government and start closing departments starting with the DOE!
Friday, January 29, 2010
Pelosi Wasting Tax Payer Money
Speaker Nancy Pelosi has no respect for hard working tax payers.
This is Destructive Politics. While tax payers are loosing their homes, jobs and savings, Pelosi is splurging and wasting tax payer money and she does not care.
This is Destructive Politics. While tax payers are loosing their homes, jobs and savings, Pelosi is splurging and wasting tax payer money and she does not care.
Senate permits gov't to borrow an additional $1.9T
Senate permits gov't to borrow an additional $1.9T
Whats another $1.9 trillion to greedy elitist Democratic Senators? They can always print more money if they need so it's really not a big deal!
If raising the debt limit is such a good idea, why don't these smart senators just print $14trillion more and just pay off the debt? Whats the difference between printing $1.9 trillion or $14trillion? its all paper anyway!
"The party-line 60-40 vote was successful only because Republican Sen.-elect Scott Brown has yet to be seated. Sixty votes were required to approve the increase. The measure would lift the debt ceiling to $14.3 trillion. That's about $45,000 for every American. " This is why its important to take these powers away from the federal government, they don't care about anybody's future, all they care about is the here and now!
Don't trust any Democrat, its obvious they don't care about your debt!
Whats another $1.9 trillion to greedy elitist Democratic Senators? They can always print more money if they need so it's really not a big deal!
If raising the debt limit is such a good idea, why don't these smart senators just print $14trillion more and just pay off the debt? Whats the difference between printing $1.9 trillion or $14trillion? its all paper anyway!
"The party-line 60-40 vote was successful only because Republican Sen.-elect Scott Brown has yet to be seated. Sixty votes were required to approve the increase. The measure would lift the debt ceiling to $14.3 trillion. That's about $45,000 for every American. " This is why its important to take these powers away from the federal government, they don't care about anybody's future, all they care about is the here and now!
Don't trust any Democrat, its obvious they don't care about your debt!
destructive politics,
National Debt,
washington dc
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Poor Haitians resort to eating Mud Pies because of rising Energy prices
Where was the concern for the Haitians who had to eat mud pies back in January 2008? Where was the Red Cross demanding the world send food to starving Haitians
click here to read the National Geographic story of People eating Dirt
click here to read the National Geographic story of People eating Dirt
destructive politics,
red cross,
United Nations
Democrats want to increase debt limit by $1.9trillion dollars
Once again, Democrats are looking to raise the Debt Ceiling
"Senate Democrats on Wednesday proposed allowing the federal government to borrow an additional $1.9 trillion to pay its bills, a record increase that would permit the national debt to reach $14.3 trillion."
- This is destructive politics and it will hurt us in the long run. This is also the reason the price of GOLD is going through the roof. The way to put an end to this kind of theft is to demand congress save money by closing federal departments!
"Senate Democrats on Wednesday proposed allowing the federal government to borrow an additional $1.9 trillion to pay its bills, a record increase that would permit the national debt to reach $14.3 trillion."
- This is destructive politics and it will hurt us in the long run. This is also the reason the price of GOLD is going through the roof. The way to put an end to this kind of theft is to demand congress save money by closing federal departments!
destructive politics,
National Debt,
washington dc
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Mass. healthcare reform is failing us - The Boston Globe
Mass. healthcare reform is failing us - The Boston Globe
This is the people of Massachusetts rejected Coakley because they know what universal care will bring us! More uninsured, more people dying and low quality health care.
This is the people of Massachusetts rejected Coakley because they know what universal care will bring us! More uninsured, more people dying and low quality health care.
destructive politics,
health care,
washington dc
Nancy Pelosi telling the world that what we saw did not really happen in Nov 2009 election
Nancy Pelosi will never admit to being wrong, as evident by this video taken in 2009 after they lost the election. No matter what, she will keep believing that Democrats are on the right path and she will demand that people follow her lead or she will reprimand. The true powers that be in Washington D.C. lie with speaker of the house Nancy Pelosi. This is exactly why we must take power out of the hands of socialists like Pelosi.
“From our perspective, we won last night,” the California Democrat told reporters during a Wednesday photo op. “We had one race that we were engaged in, it was in northern New York, it was a race where a Republican has held the seat since the Civil War. And we won that seat. So, from our standpoint, no, a candidate was victorious who supports health care reform, and his remarks last night said this was a victory for health care reform and other initiatives for the American people.”
destructive politics,
Nancy Pelosi,
washington dc
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Barney Frank Wants to Change rules to favor Democrats in power
The only way democrats can stay in power is by changing the rules, cheating at polls and meeting behind closed doors. Barney Frank is partially responsible for mortgage meltdown among other things. Now he wants to ensure that corruption can continue without interruption.
destructive politics,
washington dc
Pelosi: "We will have healthcare -- one way or another"
Pelosi: "We will have healthcare -- one way or another"
This is an example of Nancy Pelosi's destructive politics. Her closed door meetings are helping her achieve her goal of ramming Universal Federal Mandated Health Care down our throats and gaining control of 1/7th of the US economy. The federal government will also decide if we are eligible to receive federal government health insurance under the guidelines they will having .
This is an example of Nancy Pelosi's destructive politics. Her closed door meetings are helping her achieve her goal of ramming Universal Federal Mandated Health Care down our throats and gaining control of 1/7th of the US economy. The federal government will also decide if we are eligible to receive federal government health insurance under the guidelines they will having .
Posted using ShareThis
destructive politics,
health care,
Nancy Pelosi
Friday, January 15, 2010
Firms announce big oil find beneath shallow Gulf waters
For all those people who believe we have to rely on green energy because we are running out of Oil and Natural Gas, please read this article. We are discovering more large oil fields almost every year yet we still depend on our neighbors for most of our energy. This must stop, the way we stop this is by closing the department of energy and removing the control of our energy supplies from the greedy hands of one politician (Nancy Pelosi) . The key is to close the Department of Energy and spreading control of energy all across America and put it back into the hands of private corporations where it belongs. Energy is a commodity which is distributed most efficiently by businesses who seek to earn profits. When the federal government gets involved, they create an obstacle to the free flow of energy by artificially causing prices to double from Electricity to Home Heating Oil to Gasoline!
McMoRan Exploration Co. today announced what it said could be one of the largest oil and natural gas discoveries in the shallow waters of the Gulf of Mexico in decades.
McMoRan Exploration Co. today announced what it said could be one of the largest oil and natural gas discoveries in the shallow waters of the Gulf of Mexico in decades.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
these are the people who vote on laws which will affect our lives!
John Conyers was complaining that there are too many pages to read the Health Care bill. Even with a team of lawyers, they dont have enough time to read it.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Dem Congressman introduces 50% tax on bonuses - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
Dem Congressman introduces 50% tax on bonuses - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
What we really need is a 50% tax on Congress and Senate's salaries. Ending all pensions to Washington Politicians and taking away their government sponsored health care. That would really help this economy. Unless Americans decide to stop the greedy Washington DC politicians, we will for ever be used, abused and punished by greedy politicians from all parties.
What we really need is a 50% tax on Congress and Senate's salaries. Ending all pensions to Washington Politicians and taking away their government sponsored health care. That would really help this economy. Unless Americans decide to stop the greedy Washington DC politicians, we will for ever be used, abused and punished by greedy politicians from all parties.
destructive politics,
health care,
washington dc
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Watertown Daily Times | Amish families exempt from insurance mandate
Watertown Daily Times | Amish families exempt from insurance mandate
Suddenly being Amish is looking more and more appealing! This sounds like discrimination against all other religion. We have laws against these kind of exemptions.
Suddenly being Amish is looking more and more appealing! This sounds like discrimination against all other religion. We have laws against these kind of exemptions.
destructive politics,
health care,
Monday, January 11, 2010
Health Care Reform Is 'Hanging by a Thread': Dodd - CNBC
Health Care Reform Is 'Hanging by a Thread': Dodd - CNBC
Lets all pray that this thread snaps and congress re groups for true health care reform.
1. tort reform
2. lifting of federal mandates on doctors
3. insurance competition reform
4. health savings accoungs.
there is the health care bill that should be passed, 1 page, short and sweet. With a 1 page health care bill, we wont have to worry about people not having time to read the bills. Today, politicians no longer read bills. Politicians even said they have problems with reading 2,000 page bill! They need a team of lawyers to decipher the complexities of the current 2000 page health care bill, that basically says that this bill is flawed and should be thrown out as soon as possible!
Lets all pray that this thread snaps and congress re groups for true health care reform.
1. tort reform
2. lifting of federal mandates on doctors
3. insurance competition reform
4. health savings accoungs.
there is the health care bill that should be passed, 1 page, short and sweet. With a 1 page health care bill, we wont have to worry about people not having time to read the bills. Today, politicians no longer read bills. Politicians even said they have problems with reading 2,000 page bill! They need a team of lawyers to decipher the complexities of the current 2000 page health care bill, that basically says that this bill is flawed and should be thrown out as soon as possible!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Nancy Pelosi takes swipe at President Obama's campaign promises - Patrick O'Connor and Glenn Thrush - POLITICO.com
Nancy Pelosi takes swipe at President Obama's campaign promises - Patrick O'Connor and Glenn Thrush - POLITICO.com The root of all evil Speaker of the house Nancy Pelosi is now attacking Obama for offering an open televised debate about health care reform. The problem is that Pelosi does not want an open and honest debate on CSPAN or any other TV station, she just wants whats rightfully hers, power! For the past 6 months, the democratic leadership has been writing our health care bill in secret. The power corruption and lies are rampant in Washington D.C. and there is no controlling legal authority which can stop them or punish them for their Destructive Behavior.
destructive politics,
health care,
Nancy Pelosi,
Breitbart.tv » The C-SPAN Lie? See Eight Clips of Obama Promising Televised Healthcare Negotiations
Breitbart.tv » The C-SPAN Lie? See Eight Clips of Obama Promising Televised Healthcare Negotiations These politicians will lie about anything to get what they want. We don't have to look back more than 1 year to see that they lie about everything from Health Care, Energy, War in Afghanistan, War in Iraq, Elections, Medicare and just about everything else they are micromanaging and manipulating. The ones who do not believe Obama, Pelosi and Reid are lying are the ones who do not follow politics or know anything about the true nature of the current federal government.
Lies are told by leaders who speak the words of Evil.
Truth is told by leaders who speak the word of God!
Its not complicated, the federal government is misleading us and lying to us over and over, the only way to stop their destructive politics is to take away the power they have over us via Departments. If we do not advocate closing departments, we will remain sitting ducks while a new corrupt leaders like Pelosi, Obama and Reid manipulate their way to power only to cause more damage to our lives. Read Destructive Politics and find out the truth about what the US Congress and Senate has done to the lives of millions of American citizens in the past 100 years.
destructive politics,
health care,
Nancy Pelosi,
washington dc
Pelosi tells C-SPAN: 'There has never been a more open process' - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
Pelosi tells C-SPAN: 'There has never been a more open process' - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
Pelosi does not care about anyone but her powers. She is the root of all that is evil in government today, she covers up crimes committed by others in congress while telling American she will have the most ethical transparent congress. She looks into the eyes of reporters and tells lies, lies which hurt innocent Americans and put millions of people into bankruptcy across the USA. It is time to take away the power from the evil federal government, it is time to take health care away from congress and close the Department of Energy. Congress has become the evil which caused our recession/depression in the US and around the world. Pelosi is proof positive that congress is practicing destructive politics.
destructive politics,
health care,
Nancy Pelosi,
washington dc
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Pensioners burn books for warmth | Metro.co.uk
Pensioners burn books for warmth | Metro.co.uk
Our federal government has been restricting our supply of energy since 1977. With one person in the federal government manipulating and controlling our energy supplies, they create shortages and irregular price hikes. Oil companies are not causing prices to rise, governments and weather conditions cause price hikes. This is what happens when one central federal department decides how much energy we Americans can use. Today, by manipulating our energy supplies, the federal government is driving senior citizens and pensioners to do what they can to survive! This is the true nature of the federal government and their destructive behavior towards our most important commodity, Energy! The Department of Energy Must Be Shut Down As Soon As Possible or we will suffer more than we have suffered in 1980 and 2008 recessions. The worst is yet to come.
Our federal government has been restricting our supply of energy since 1977. With one person in the federal government manipulating and controlling our energy supplies, they create shortages and irregular price hikes. Oil companies are not causing prices to rise, governments and weather conditions cause price hikes. This is what happens when one central federal department decides how much energy we Americans can use. Today, by manipulating our energy supplies, the federal government is driving senior citizens and pensioners to do what they can to survive! This is the true nature of the federal government and their destructive behavior towards our most important commodity, Energy! The Department of Energy Must Be Shut Down As Soon As Possible or we will suffer more than we have suffered in 1980 and 2008 recessions. The worst is yet to come.
EDITORIAL: Hiding health bills behind closed doors - Washington Times
EDITORIAL: Hiding health bills behind closed doors - Washington Times
Congress is manipulating, organizing and planning the most destructive bill of our lifetime! let us pray that they do not succeed! Pelosi, Obama and Reid are playing destructivepolitics with our lives by forcing federal government health care. They are not concerned about fixing the Medicare Fraud which was over $40billion fraud in 2008. Pelosi, Obama and Reid are focused on government forced health care which is guaranteed to bankrupt the nation and destroy millions of American's lives! Congress must be stripped of their powers before this country falls apart! Weather you are republican or democrat, no one should stand for these lying deceptive politicians!
Congress is manipulating, organizing and planning the most destructive bill of our lifetime! let us pray that they do not succeed! Pelosi, Obama and Reid are playing destructivepolitics with our lives by forcing federal government health care. They are not concerned about fixing the Medicare Fraud which was over $40billion fraud in 2008. Pelosi, Obama and Reid are focused on government forced health care which is guaranteed to bankrupt the nation and destroy millions of American's lives! Congress must be stripped of their powers before this country falls apart! Weather you are republican or democrat, no one should stand for these lying deceptive politicians!
destructive politics,
health care,
Nancy Pelosi,
National Debt,
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