Senate permits gov't to borrow an additional $1.9T
Whats another $1.9 trillion to greedy elitist Democratic Senators? They can always print more money if they need so it's really not a big deal!
If raising the debt limit is such a good idea, why don't these smart senators just print $14trillion more and just pay off the debt? Whats the difference between printing $1.9 trillion or $14trillion? its all paper anyway!
"The party-line 60-40 vote was successful only because Republican Sen.-elect Scott Brown has yet to be seated. Sixty votes were required to approve the increase. The measure would lift the debt ceiling to $14.3 trillion. That's about $45,000 for every American. " This is why its important to take these powers away from the federal government, they don't care about anybody's future, all they care about is the here and now!
Don't trust any Democrat, its obvious they don't care about your debt!